Black Friday MAGA Bundle - Limited to the First 50 Customers. Special includes Cuzz's Cooter Juice, Cuzz's Rook'em Juice, Cuzz's C Mor Deerz, Critter Gitter and a Pre-tuned Grunt Call all for $89.99 plus shipping. No other discounts apply

Critter Gitter (New) $26.99 12 oz bottle
Critter Gitter was developed by Dan for use to attract deer, bear, hogs and other critters. This product works based on food trigger mechanisms and is a one of a kind product that has been successful with attracting deer, bear, hogs, coyotes, bobcats, and raccoons. Spraying near food plots and feeders is the intended use. This attractant can be used in traps without food . This product can be used by hunters and wildlife photographers to attract mammalian wildlife and bring them in closer.

Just Grunts NO Gimmicks $21.99
Pre-tuned Grunt Call developed by Dan DeWitt and endorsed by Preston Pittman of Pittman Outdoors. A One of a Kind Grunt Call that can be further tuned to your liking.

Cuzz’s Bundle $59.99
This is the Cuzz’s Bundle. This includes one of each of the 3 Cuzz’s 100% synthetic trademarked deer attractants developed by Dan and made at his direction and to his specifications. Successfully tested and developed using public land wildlife. This package contains Cooter Juice, Rook'em Juice and C Mor Deerz at a discounted price.

Cuzz’s COOTER JUICE TM a registered trademark of Old Indian Tricks, LLC $24.99
Synthetic Buck Attractant, designed by Dan, for use only during the Rut. "IF IT DON'T SAY CUZZ'S COOTER JUICE ON THE LABEL, IT AIN'T CUZZ'S COOTER JUICE" - CUZZ

Cuzz's BITE ME ShadDaddy Formula TM $24.99
Dan has developed a new fish attractant scent that has been designed to permeate plastic baits and will not wash off. During testing by several diffent pros in different areas of the U.S. this scent has been proven to successful time and time again. Dan is excited to offer this new fishing attractant for sale to the general public and wishes everyone great fishing success! Visit our facebook group, BITE ME NATION for an instructional video or contact Dan for more information; 2 new scents in current testing coming soon.

Cuzz’s BITE ME Scrimp Formula TM $24.99
SCRIMP is a shrimp scented fish attractant designed to penetrate plastic fishing lures. Dan has developed another new fish attractant scent that has been designed to permeate plastic baits and will not wash off. During testing by several diffent pros in different areas of the U.S. this scent has been proven to successful time and time again. Dan is excited to offer this new fishing attractant for sale to the general public and wishes everyone great fishing success! Visit our facebook group, BITE ME NATION for an instructional video or contact Dan for more information. Stay Tuned for more!

Cuzz’s ROOK'EM JUICE TM $19.99
ROOK'EM JUICE use in Mock Scrapes, Natural Scrapes, to inventory deer year round. Contact Dan for more information.

Cuzz’s C-Mor-Deerz TM $19.99
Now Available
Cover Scent with a Deer Calming Effect - We have tested in several different states. Reports from the field have shown outstanding results! There is nothing else on the market like this one. It's a unique one of kind product designed by Dan!

Cuzz’s BUGLE JUICE - ELK Attractant $24.99
Cuzz’s BUGLE JUICE has arrived and is available for order
Dan DeWitt and Leon Stilley on Between the Tines Podcast 10/11/2022

About Dan and Our Products
Please contact us if you are interested in ordering and for anyone who has purchased any of our products we want to help you as much as possible. We absolutely love to hear your hunting stories and love to see the deer pictures. Dan is available by phone or messenger to help you or answer any questions you may have. He has spent most of his life as a professional hunter, an outfitter and guide managing 50,000 acre ranches in west Texas, hunting deer in 23 states, Elk in Wyoming and Colorado, Turkeys and other wild game in 32 states in the US. He has guided and hunted in Africa on several occasions and has studied wild game and their habits for several decades. Dan was one of the professional hunters that helped exterminate a rogue Elephant that destroyed a village in Mozambique and killed a grandson of the Muputu Tribe King. And the list goes on. Dan grew up the son of an American Indian from the Creek Tribe, whose grandparents were orphaned on the trail of tears and adopted by the DeWitt Family in Louisiana. He has an immense amount of respect for all animals, learned from an early age to "live off the land", use the wind, the moon phases, the topography of the land and the habits of wild animals to become a very successful hunter. We strive to provide personal service. Our products are 100% synthetic and are NOT based on urine no matter what anyone tries to claim. Synthetic scents, like perfumes, have an infinite shelf life according to the experts; however, our manufacturer recommends that it should be approx 5 yrs to ensure it's integrity. For best results they should be kept out of direct sunlight. Like anything else used in hunting they are only one tool and just a part of helping a hunter attract deer. Dan has formulated our proprietary blends and each of them are trademarked scents. There are currently none on the market like ours as they are not based on urine.
Remember, like perfume, a little goes a long way, so be careful not over use them or they may become offensive to the deer instead of acting as an attractant or catch the curiosity of the deer. Cuzz’s Cooter Juice TM is only for the Rut and should always be on a wick and never left in the woods. Rook'em Juice TM is for use only in Mock Scrapes or Natural Scrapes and can be used year round to take inventory of the deer in your area. C Mor Deerz TM is a calming scent and can be used as a cover scent if desired. These products were designed for specific use, so that hunters have another tool in their arsenal that does not break the bank and are designed to last an entire hunting season. Great Hunting and again we are here to help. We are a Louisiana Company and do not sell to the big box stores; We buy from small businesses in Louisiana to support our fellow Louisiana business owners. We would love for you to give our products a try if you are interested in learning how to set up and use Mock Scrapes for Hunting. Join us on our Private Facebook Group Mock Scape Nation.

Hear Dan DeWitt and Wes Stone Live on Southern Woods and Waters TV Talking about MOCK SCRAPES - Tomorrow, September 15th at 8 pm CST on Nashville's Channel 5
Please be sure to tune in to Southern Woods and Waters TV tomorrow night 09/15/2022, at 8pm central time. Nashville’s Channel 5. Dan will be on LIVE at 8pm talking about Mock Scrapes. From the production team: We film live at News Channel 5
studios in Nashville, TN and have done so every week for over 23 years now! The show will air live at 8:00PM central 09/15/2022 for an hour long on
Thursday night on News Channel 5+, our website, our fb page, and Nashville’s Channel 5’s website. It will re-air again Friday afternoon at 2PM, Sunday evening at 8PM, and then be posted on numerous social media platforms, YouTube channels, websites, and roku tv. We will also do a post again tomorrow that will have a live link on it for folks to watch live from anywhere in the nation. That link is ONLY for live viewing. If someone uses that particular link outside of the hour of live tv, it will be showing them whatever is currently live on Channel 5 at the time.

Dan T. "Cuzz" DeWitt, Owner
Louisiana Legends of the Outdoors Hall of Fame
Professional Outfitter and Guide Over 35 years.

ELK in a MOCK SCRAPE that contains Cuzz’s Bugle Juice was shared with us from a testing site in Oklahoma in 2021.

Between the Tines Podcast with Dan DeWitt (Episode 1)
Hear Dan talk about Mock Scrapes and Deer Hunting with a few funny stories in between.

Between the Tines Podcast with Dan DeWitt (Episode 2)
Hear Dan give hunting tips and advice as well as tell some hunting stories that are sure to make you roll on the floor laughing.

Outdoors with MSA Podcast Featuring Dan DeWitt
Listen to Dan talk about Terrain Features and How to Hunt Them

MSA Podcast September 16, 2021
Tune in to this Podcast by OUTDOORS WITH MSA, to hear Dan talk about Mock Scrapes, Topo Maps and More! After the podcast we will add the link to listen here in case you miss the live airing. We offer a 15% discount to Military, First Responders and Medical Personnel. Click on the Military Discount Page above to sign up and receive 15% off of your order.


Use with Written Permission Only
Contact Us for Use





We Hope that You Enjoyed seeing the Successful Hunt Photos of Deer Taken with the Use of Cuzz's Scents. There are MANY more stories and photos that we have heard, but have been asked not to share publicly. We Respect the Right of Hunters to not disclose exact locations or terrains that might be recognized by close neighbors or those on public land.
If you used our scents and had a successful hunt, but you do not see your photo here, please contact us so we can add it.
2021 - 2022 E Calling Coyotes
A Few Predator Results Shared with Us from Our Customers
E Calling Coyotes With C Mor Deerz Cover Scent